Centered in Christ-Focused on the Reaching the World
Sugar Grove Christian Church
CHRIST-CENTERED CHURCH...Christ is the Head. We wear His Name Only, Believe in His Deity, Preach His Message, Obey His Commands, Observe His Ordinances (Baptism, Weekly Lord's Supper) Imitate His Life, Love His People, Work for His Unity, Carry out His Great Commission of World Evangelism, Organize without denomination and Prepare for His Return.
The mission of the Sugar Grove Christian Church is to fulfill the purpose and plan of Jesus Christ in reaching a lost world with the message of salvation. In our community and through mission efforts worldwide, we seek to preach the gospel, make disciples, teach and preserve the saints and help those in need, while fully equipping the saints for service in the church The congregation was founded in 1916, and the facilities have grown through the years with over Six expansions and remodeling of the building and construction of a separate Community center and Fellowship hall.The church strives to accomplish its mission without the expense of a full-time paid staff, but relies on every member being a volunteer minister to serve using their unique abilities for the Lord.We proclaim the same message as Peter on the day of Pentecost—That Jesus is the Christ, crucified for your sins, risen and now seated on high. Therefore Repent and be baptized every one of you for the remission of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit. We believe the church means all those “called out” to assemble and worship in the name of Jesus. It is made up of baptized believers. Our congregation strives to pattern itself after the New Testament as the only rule of faith and practice. Our lives, as disciples, are based on the principles of love, humility and sacrifice.There is no outside rule or authority over the church and no denominational affiliation. Leadership is chosen by local members in accordance with Scripture---Elders as spiritual overseers of the flock, and Deacons to serve the congregation in various capacities. These individuals meet the qualifications noted in the Scripture. We are part of an historical movement that began over 200 years ago seeking to eliminate sectarian barriers in order to carry out Christ’s prayer for unity of his followers based on the Bible alone. We understand that there is a priesthood of all believers each with access to God, and each using their talents, money and influence to build up the body of Christ. We have no creedal statement but Christ and no name but Christian and no book but the Bible. We seek to aid comfort, teach, correct and minister to the needs of each member and preach the gospel to those who are lost. Our corporate worship centers around the Lord’ supper each week with singing, teaching and prayer. We are a Christ-centered congregation and strive for unity of all believers. In essentials unity; in non-essentials, we believe in liberty of opinions; and in all things love.The church is committed to focus on world evangelism, as Jesus commanded to go to all nations. Over 40% of all money taken in by Sugar Grove goes out to mission work. The church is made up of approximately 130 members with average attendance of about 90
Striving To Restore
New Testament Christianity in it’s Principle, Practices and Power.